Sensible Protection for Insensible Testing
Determining whether someone is impaired by marijuana, as opposed to having merely used the drug at some point of time is difficult. Current methods of testing only determine if THC is present, not if a driver is impaired. And most cannabis users soberly drive with a detectable amount of THC in their body. Until testing can demonstrate intoxication, cannabis consumers need a legal expert to defend themselves when facing DUI charges.
Defend Yourself
An expert legal defense is costly, but necessary when cannabis users face DUI charges. Reepher ensures you get the best possible opportunity to defend yourself by helping to pay for the skilled attorney of your choice.
A Good Word Means a Lot
What Our Customers Are Saying
I beat the charges
Without Reepher I'd pay a fortune
Why reepher?
If you hire an expert attorney to defend yourself you’ll face staggering legal fees as well. Reepher is here to help with those costs because you deserve the defense of your choice, without maxing out your credit cards.
What is reepher?
There is currently a disparity between the intent of cannabis DUI laws and how those laws are enforced. Current methods of testing do not prove impairment. Being arrested or charged with Cannabis-related crimes is expensive and you deserve quality representation when you face these charges. We help cover these and related costs.
Legal Defense
Your membership will pay up to $8,000 towards the cost of a lawyer you choose.
No Deductible
You pay the monthly membership fee and reepher pays when you need it. No meeting a deductible first.
Fast Cash
We send you $750 to cover incidental expenses when your claim is approved.
Alternative Transportaton
Your membership pays up to $1,000 towards the cost of alternative transportation if your license is suspended or your car is impounded.